We are currently considering several potential levels of support for this project.
Supporter: The organization is willing to post about the project on social media, include information about the event in their newsletter, and encourage their members to get out and make iNat observations and collections during the event. Supporters will get their organizational logo on the main project page.
Master of Collections: The organization is willing to provide Supporter level of collaboration, as well as to serve as a hub to compile and triage local collections and to take small amounts of tissue from each specimen into tubes (which can be provided). The specimens and tubes would be mailed from the state/region/etc as a single batch to the organizers. A shipping address for collections from the region of interest would be available on the main project page. Collection masters will also get their club logo on the main project page.
Co-sponsor: The organization can provide marketing support and collections support, as well as provide funding for collections from the state/region. We have a special $3.00 rate for general collections from participants, above the standard 10 per participant. So if the organization wanted to send an extra 200 specimens from their region, they would be able to do this for $600. Your financial support will help us to significantly expand the total number of specimens that can be sequenced as a part of this project. There is no minimum level of sequencing commitment to gain a co-sponsor slot.