Completed Projects
We have a significant amount of experience working with DNA barcoding of fungi and have completed DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing for over 25,000 individual specimens. Some examples of recently completed projects include:
The genus Amanita – Over 1,000 specimens from the genus as a part of multiple projects. The majority include sequences from multiple loci.
Fungi of the Pacific Northwest – Over 1,000 specimens completed across several projects.
Brad’s Fall Foray (2017, 2018, 2019) – Annual foray from the Missouri Mycological Society.
NAMA Foray Specimens – Over 1,400 specimens collected at events sponsored by the North American Mycological Association.
Lincoff Foray (2022) – Over 600 specimens from the event.
Smith Foray (2015, 2018) – Annual Great Lake States foray.
Santa Cruz Mycoflora Foray 2018 – One hundred specimens were successfully sequenced from the 2018 event.
Radical Mycology Convergence 2018 – A few dozen specimens collected from the event.
Mycoflora of Indiana – Over 15,000 specimens from the state.
New York – Over 500 specimens from a projects in New York.
Wisconsin – Over 100 specimens collected from a project the state.
Thousands of sequences from other projects.